tor walls's profile

Dream Project Phase 2

Dream Project Phase 2
Original Artist/Team: Jessica Strelioff (Goodside) NDVR (full website)
My Recreation (below)
For my recreation, I decided to create the website on Figma. Throughout my process, the auto layout was my tool into understand spacing with content and layout. For images, I used Adobe Stock since for this project I could not use the same images that were in the original site. This challenge me to search for images that were similar to the theme of the website. From there, I would use Figma to edit or adjust the imagery to match the style. 

The biggest challenge was replicating the style without using tools like Adobe Color or fonts, so there was alot of eyeballing the type of font family, and playing with colors through the color wheel.
Dream Project Phase 2

Dream Project Phase 2



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